
Academic Counseling

Welcome to Academic Counseling

Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors are assigned an academic counselor who follows the student from the fall of their freshman year throughout their junior year and guides them in course selection, encourages participation in extracurricular opportunities, and leads them in self-exploration of strengths and weaknesses, talents, and interests so that students can begin researching colleges and universities that might be good fits. The academic counselors lay the foundation for students to begin the more active stage of college admissions which will occur in late junior year and early senior year.

Click through the links below to learn more.

Important Facts

List of 4 items.

  • Transcripts

    If you are in need of an additional transcript for scholarship programs, recruiters, coaches, NCAA, etc., you may access/download/print your unofficial transcript anytime from NetClassroom. 
  • Community Knowledge Night

    Sophomore and Junior families are invited to join us for a virtual evening of college exploration and knowledge on Thursday, March 24. You will have the opportunity to join various sessions on college financial aid, majors and careers, HBCUs, college essays, visual/performing arts in college, UCs, and so much more. More information will be emailed closer to the event date.

  • Scoir

    We encourage students to make use of the SCOIR College Exploration System.

    Rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors should take every opportunity to acquaint themselves with the extensive resources that are available, including career exploration tools and college choice management tools.

    Scoir also offers FREE SAT and ACT practice for those who plan to take the tests. Seniors should focus on researching schools, and narrowing down their choices to a reasonable list of colleges to which they will apply in the fall.
  • SAT & ACT Testing

    The College Board has announced significant changes in the CollegeBoard testing programs: SAT Subjects tests and the SAT Optional Essay section are now both permanently discontinued.

    The Counseling Office is staying vigilant and monitoring changes to the testing landscape and will continue to update families as more details are released. 

    Many universities continue to announce Test Optional or Test Blind policies for the next year and beyond, which is now over 1,800 colleges nationwide including UCs and Cal State Universities. It is important to note: while admission offices may inform these policies, test scores may still be an aspect of admission for some universities, majors, or scholarships. 

Academic Counselors

List of 4 items.

For Questions, Contact

List of 1 items.

  • Ms. Noemy Escobedo

    Counseling Assistant

List of 1 items.

A College Preparatory School of Excellence
13645 Riverside Drive
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
(818) 933-3600 Main Office

Office Hours
7:30 am - 3:30 pm

The office is closed to visitors after 3:30 pm

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