
Cafeteria FAQs

List of 8 items.

  • How to pre-order your lunch

    How to Pre-Order Lunch
    On the Day Before
    • Order-takers will be available near the fountain before school, during both nutritions, and after school to take your preorder for the next day. OR
    • Scan the QR code to view the menu and to fill out the form to order online. You can also access the form by clicking on this link.  *** QR Code can only be accessed with your student’s email. ***
    Qr codeDescription automatically generated
    Pre-Order Pick-Up
    Your student’s pre-ordered lunch will be available for pick up inside the gym lobby at the two roll-up windows located inside on each side of the entrance.  
    Pre-Order Payment
    Your EZSchoolPay* is required to use the preorder system and money must be available in your pre-paid lunch account.  
    Pre Orders will be charged to your account prior to pickup to make this process quick and easy.  
    Note: Pre Orders that cannot be charged will not be filled.  
    Same Day Food Availability without Preordering
    • Four (4) lunch carts located around the quad will still be available for same-day purchases.  
    • Vending Machines
    *EZSchoolPay: The cafeteria utilizes a pre-paid account system, wherein, money is deposited into a student’s account and when that student makes a purchase, the total is deducted from that account.  Every student has an “account”.  
    To activate that account, a deposit needs to be made to it.  
    There are several ways to make a deposit
    • Cash. Cash deposits can be made with any cashier at any cart at any time. 
    • Check made payable to “Hanna-Que”. Check deposits can be made with any cashier at any cart at any time. 
    • Credit card presented in person before or after school. Credit cards in person need to be presented before or after school. 
    • An online deposit made through EZSchoolPay.  
    Personnel that can help you with deposits can be found inside the gym lobby at one of the pickup windows.
    Any questions can be forwarded to Brenda Hanna at or (818) 933-3657.
  • When is the cafeteria open for business?

    Ordinarily, hours are generally 6:45 am to 4:00 pm.  If business is slow on a Gold Day, the cafeteria may close a little earlier.  The cafeteria is open until approximately 5:30 pm during Study Week – the week before finals.
  • What is a pre-paid lunch account?

    A pre-paid lunch account is a Point of Sale system that holds a student’s money in reserve until it is used to make purchases.
  • How is a lunch account activated?

    A deposit must be made into the student account.  This can be made by cash, a check (made payable to Hanna-Que, Inc.), online through, or a credit card presented in person.
  • How do I use a credit card?

    We accept Master Card and Visa.  Credit/Debit cards can be used in person in the cafeteria (minimum $25 deposit), or deposits can be made online at  Credit cards are not accepted for individual purchases.
  • How does my student utilize his/her account?

    Every student has an account.  An account can be activated simply by depositing money into it.  When a student makes a purchase, he or she will enter their student ID and the items chosen will be deducted from the balance in the account.
  • If I forget and write a cafeteria check to NDHS, will the cafeteria accept it?

    Unfortunately, our bank frowns on changing the payee on a personal check.  If your student brings in a check written to NDHS, it will be returned and another check will need to be submitted.  Again, make checks payable to “Hanna-Que, Inc.
  • How will I know if my student’s account is getting low?

    There are two ways to find out if your student account is getting low.  As the students are using their account and the balance is $10 or less, a cashier will let them know that their account is low.  If you have an account with EZSchoolPay, you can check your balance, set up email alerts and see a purchase history at any time.  It is not necessary to use this online access to make deposits.  You can sign up for an account and simply use it to monitor your lunch account.
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