Holy Cross Mothers Guild

Holy Cross Mothers Guild Mission

The Holy Cross Mothers Guild and Legacy Guild is comprised of both current and alumni mothers of Notre Dame High School students. The primary purpose is to support the spiritual mission of Notre Dame High School by assisting the President, Principal, and school administration in promoting the faith community of the school.
  • Promoting a community of faith and prayer;
  • Promoting a welcoming community through hospitality;
  • Promoting a charity to sustain and grow the HCMG Scholarship Fund.

HCMG's primary fundraising event in the Annual Luncheon and Fashion Show held in the spring which supports the scholarship fund. The HCMG Scholarship Fund provides tuition assistance, if needed, to students who have lost a parent while attending Notre Dame High School, allowing the student to complete their high school education.

HCMG Moderator

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Holy Cross Mothers Guild Membership

Membership is open to mothers of Notre Dame students with the annual membership drive taking place in August and September each year. Meetings are held on campus once a month, September through May. Members are responsible for dues, as well as donations for the Fashion Show.

Members are also expected to actively contribute to both a Mission Committee and a Fashion Show Committee for the year:

Fashion Show Programs

The Mission Committees support the school community by assisting the faculty, administration, and campus ministry office with volunteers to manage hospitality at events and provide fresh flowers for the St. Joseph’s Chapel.
The Fashion Show Committees support the school community by directing the Annual Luncheon and Fashion Show in the spring. Senior students of members in good standing are the models for this event.

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  • Mission Committee Descriptions

    Community Support - Supports NDHS community events including Teacher Welcome Days, Freshman Orientation, Parent-Teacher Conferences and Baccalaureate Mass. The committee supports these events by helping the faculty, the administrators and Campus Ministry Team with special celebrations and/or receptions through providing food, service and artistic talents.

    Gala Mission Committee - Supports the Major Fundraiser for NDHS. Supports the Advancement Office by volunteering to serve on committees such as set up, clean up, assist with check-in of guests, Live Auction Spotter, manage Silent Auction tables and check-out of purchasers. 

    Immersion Committee - Supports Junior Retreat by supporting the school’s Immersion Projects for junior students by assisting with chaperoning and/or driving the students while they experience service help to elderly and shopping for food on Wednesdays.  Committee members also assist students in the preparation of the evening meals in the Holy Cross Center kitchen on Wednesday and Friday nights.  Committee members are asked to assist at one activity of three different Immersion Retreats.

    Kairos Retreat Committee - Supports Senior Retreats by supporting the Campus Ministry Team in its effort to provide a spiritual senior retreat through a four-day experience off-campus.  This committee provides refreshments (pizza and snacks and drinks) off-campus at the Welcome Back reception (locations vary).  

    Mentoring Mothers Committee - Supports New Mothers and promotes HCMG by providing guidance, support, and helpful hints while they “learn the ropes”, make new friends and find what their passions are. This committee is particularly active in the first three months but continues to create opportunities throughout the year to build relationships among all members. Each new member will be paired with an experienced mother, continuing this tradition and building on it.

    Spiritual Support - Supports the spiritual needs of the NDHS community with prayer and other spiritual support and needs in times of illness or crisis. This includes supporting the monthly rosary held prior to the HCMG meetings at 6:15 pm; supporting the Campus Ministry Team in providing fresh flowers weekly and ironing Altar linens monthly for the St. Joseph’s Chapel in the Holy Cross Center. This Committee also follows up on prayer requests received at meetings or via emails to support families in need due to illness, injury or death. The members of the committee will coordinate an effort by the Mothers Guild and the ND community-at-large to respond to the needs of a family in crisis through efforts like organizing family meals for a short period of time, assisting with transportation for family members, etc.  Our Notre Dame Family already steps up in efforts like this when needed; this committee will help to coordinate the follow-up and support.

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  • Fashion Show Committee Descriptions

    Basket Wrap Committee
    • Wraps Silent Auction, Grand Raffle and Raffle baskets prior to event
    • Meets multiple days and times to wrap
    • Each committee member will be required to wrap at least 3 times
    Data Entry Committee
    • Log all items donated as they are received
    • Build baskets once all items are received and logged
    • Enter basket items into OneCause system

    Day Of Committee
    • Collect baskets from ND the Friday before event and transport baskets to the event on Saturday morning (or Friday night if allowed by venue)
    • Set up and manage the Silent Auction tables
    • Bring unclaimed auction items to ND
    Donations Committee
    • Solicit Silent Auction donations from community, friends, school parents and auxiliary HCMG members
    • Follows-up on all solicited items

    Grand Raffle Committee
    • Each committee member is responsible for soliciting/donating at least 1 Grand Raffle item valued at over $250. This will also satisfy their HCMG $75 donation commitment.
    • Pre-sell raffle books at the February and March General Meeting;
    • Each member is responsible for selling ten books each
    • Responsible for creating 5 Grand Raffle Baskets

    Hair and Make-Up Committee
    • Responsible for the hair and make-up look for the show to present to chairs
    • Responsible for hair and make up the night of the introductions and pictures
    • Responsible for models’ hair and make-up day of the Fashion Show
    Invitations/Reservations Committee
    • Obtain 3 printing bids and present the bids to the Executive Board
    • Collect price information from Grand Raffle Chairs for printing on the Grand Raffle tickets
    • Work with the Fashion Show Chairs and Moderator to send Invitations/ Paperless Post 

    Junior Volunteers Committee
    • Update and send Junior Volunteer Commitment forms to all eligible Juniors;
    • Create Sign Up Genius for scheduling Juniors to assist with the Ticket Raffle Committee, Models Committee, Silent Auction Committee, and Stage and Table Decor Committees
    • Provide link to the Sign Up Genius to the Ticket Raffle Committee, Models Committee, Silent Auction Committee, and Stage and Table Decor Committees
    Models Committee
    • Send Models Commitment Form to all eligible Seniors and Moms
    • Coordinates rehearsal times with the Fashion Show Chairs, Show Producer, Choreographer and Moderator
    • Work with Fashion Show Chairs and show producer to staff rehearsals and Fashion Show

    Photography Committee
    • Responsible for taking pictures at the introduction of the models at the general meeting in February
    • Responsible for capturing all aspects of the Fashion Show
    • Responsible for creating a book after the event
    Program Committee
    • Each Committee member is responsible for 5 soliciting ads from prior and new advertisers
    • Gather information for program from Fashion Show chairs
    • Give above information to Moderator for mock-up of program

    Raffle Committee
    • Solicit a minimum of 5 baskets valued at $250 or more
    • Provide boxes to be placed in front of each basket at the event hold tickets
    • Supervise Junior volunteers selling tickets during the Silent Auction, committee members sell tickets at Ticket Raffle table
    • Pick up all baskets Friday before the Fashion Show and deliver them to the hotel on Saturday

    Theme Parties Committee
    • Solicit and coordinate details for a minimum of six Theme Parties for the Silent Auction
    • Communicate party details to Fashion Show Chairs, Program Committee and Data Entry Committee for inclusion in the program and for Data Entry purposes
    • Create posters to highlight each event and present them as a “sneak peek” at the January/February/March General Meetings
    Stage and Table Decor Committee
    • Decorates stage, backdrop and/or runway, according to Fashion Show theme
    • Transport all decorations to and from the event
    • Creates centerpieces and table décor for each table to coordinate with theme

    Theme Parties Committee
    • Responsible for soliciting and coordinating details for six to eight Theme Parties for the Silent Auction;
    • Responsible for communicating party details to Fashion Show Chairs, Program and Data Entry Committees for inclusion in the Program and Data Entry purposes;
    • Creates posters to highlight each event and for presenting them as a “sneak peak” at the March/April General Meetings;
    • Responsible for sending e-mails to all winners confirming party dates and providing contact information for party hosts;
    • Sends thank you notes to all party hosts.

    Ticket Raffle Committee
    • Committee solicits a minimum of 8 prizes valued at $200 or more; guests can purchase tickets and take a chance on winning their desired basket;
    • Committee provides boxes to coordinate with theme for guests' tickets in front of prizes;
    • Junior volunteers will sell tickets before the luncheon - members sell at Ticket Raffle table;
    • Transport prizes to ballroom and distributes prizes to winners in ballroom;
    • Give money collected to Treasurer.

    Wardrobe Committee
    • Work with models committee chair this committee is responsible for the wardrobe look of the show
    • Work directly with the models to schedule fittings with the vendors
    • Pick up the clothes on the Friday before the show and deliver to the hotel to the producer of the show
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