A Notre Dame Education

Physical Education Department


A physically educated person is one who has mastered the necessary movement skills to participate confidently in many different forms of physical activity, values physical fitness, and understands that both are intimately related to health and well-being.  

The Notre Dame curriculum addresses the student’s fundamental need for regular physical activity to remain healthy and promotes many of the attitudes and behaviors that reduce health risks, including development and understanding of the need for appropriate nutrition and exercise.


List of 8 items.

  • Mr. Alec Moss '00

    Athletic Director
    (818) 933-3678
  • Ms. Tammy Jo Baston

    Dance Director
    Physical Education
    Performing Arts
  • Mr. Michael Curiel '90

    Physical Education Teacher
    (818) 933-3600 Ext. 3309
  • Mr. Thomas Dill

    Head Baseball Coach
    (818) 933-3624
  • Mr. Nicholas Garcia

    Physical Education Department Chair
    Weight Training 
    Lifetime Fitness
    Personal Fitness (Boys)
    (818) 933-3697
  • Ms. Cindy Kramer

    Sports Medicine
    (818) 933-3637
  • Mr. Joseph McNab

    Head Football Coach
    Physical Education Teacher
    (818) 933-3627
  • Mr. Matt Sargeant

    Head Boys Basketball Coach
    (818) 933-3633
A College Preparatory School of Excellence
13645 Riverside Drive
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
(818) 933-3600 Main Office

Office Hours
7:30 am - 3:30 pm

The office is closed to visitors after 3:30 pm

Absences, Late Arrivals,
Off-Campus Permits
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