Privacy Policy

 Notre Dame High School licenses this online community from iModules, Inc. Notre Dame High School has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate its firm commitment to privacy and to describe the information-gathering and dissemination practices for the Web site.
This Web site may disclose personal information when required by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary in order to conform to the edicts of the law or comply with a legal process involving the Web site.

This Web site uses cookies to recognize you and allow you to automatically log in without re-entering your user name and password each time you visit our site. The cookies are encrypted and do not save any personally identifiable information (see the Personally Identifiable Information section below) about you, such as your user name, password or e-mail address. If cookies are disabled in your browser, you can still use the site but you will be required to enter your password each time you visit.

This site's registration form requires you to provide your full name, address, e-mail address, password, gender, city, state, country and zip code. You may also choose to provide optional details, such as maiden name, nick name, birthday, occupation, company, spouse's name, photos, ICQ number, personal Web page or personal comments. You may update any of this information at any time by accessing your profile by clicking the "edit personal info" link in the navigation menu. You may opt out of receiving e-mail updates from us (see the "Choice/Opt-Out" section below).

Your Personal Profile features information you may wish to share with other site members on your Profile Page. Only people who are members of this site can view other members' Profile Page. The only information that is automatically displayed on your Profile Page is your First Name and Last Name. Additional information fields from your Personal Profile information, including comments, and other personal information you choose to share, along with any photos, will appear only if you have opted to provide those items and have also selected to have those fields in your Profile Page View. All member information on the Web site is securely stored and is not sold or transferred to any third parties.

Some features of this site enable credit card transactions. These features are completely voluntary to members. They include the purchasing of tickets or merchandise through event stores or donations through the site. The operators of this site would like to assure you that measures have been taken to make such transactions secure for its members.
This site utilizes industry standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) servers to encrypt your information and prevent unauthorized access. In addition, this site participates in the Better Business Bureau Online Reliability Seal Program to further ensure the security of your transactions. The processing of online transactions is done by Bank of America.
Shortly after a purchase or refund is processed, you will receive a confirmation via e-mail. You are advised to print out and save a copy of the order confirmation for verification necessary to request refunds or resolve any disputes.
This Web site guarantees that every transaction will be 100 percent safe. This means you are not responsible for unauthorized transactions posted to your credit card that occur as a result of submitting a credit card number to this site. This site uses industry standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) servers on our transaction pages. It encrypts all of your personal information including name, address, and credit card number to prevent unauthorized access as the information travels over the Internet.
Under the Fair Credit Billing Act, your bank cannot hold you liable for more than $50.00 of fraudulent charges. If your bank does hold you liable for any of this $50.00, this site will cover the entire liability for you, up to the full $50.00. This site will cover this liability only if the unauthorized use of your credit card resulted through no fault of your own from transactions made at this site while using the secure server.
This is a community site that is based primarily on member input. This site cannot guarantee the accuracy of information presented. However, anyone demonstrated to have engaged in fraudulent behavior may be subject to (but not limited to) loss of privileges as a member as well as face prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.

You may correct or update your personal information on this site at any time. To do so, click on the "edit personal info" link in the navigation menu. Change the necessary information and click on "Update"

The site provides you with the opportunity to choose to receive updates about this site and the groups you are registered with. This option will be presented to you when you register as a member. If you have already joined, the following options will explain how you can subscribe or unsubscribe to these updates from the site.
1. To sign up to receive e-mail updates or change the frequency of the e-mails, click on the "edit personal info" link and scroll down to the Stay in Touch section to select the frequency. Subscribing to the e-mails allows the site to notify you when fellow members sign up or change their information. They also notify you of news about your community.
Please be aware that even if you choose not to receive the update e-mails, if a situation arises that we feel is pertinent for you to be aware of, we will contact you by e-mail to alert you.

This site makes chat rooms and message boards available for every community group featured on the site. Your first and last name will be displayed during chat sessions or when you post something in the message boards. Any additional information you choose to submit in these areas is considered public. To protect yourself from unwanted spam or other unsolicited or unwanted communication, you are advised against providing personally identifiable information, including e-mail addresses, postal addresses and phone numbers. This site does not monitor the chat rooms unless we receive a request to do so by a member via Customer Support.

This site contains links to other sites. This site is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Web sites.

This site has the right to make changes or additions to this policy at any time. If those changes involve using your personally identifiable information in a manner different from that stated at the time you joined, the site will notify you by e-mail. Changes that do not affect use of personally identifiable information will be posted to the site. If you have questions regarding this policy, please check this policy periodically or contact Customer Support.

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site or your dealings with this Web site, please contact Customer Support

This site retains the right to remove or reject any photo that it deems obscene or objectionable. This site does not endorse any photos that are posted on the site. Members will not post copyrighted photos without permission from the owner. Members understand content whether it be text or graphic is the sole responsibility of the person from which such content originated. This site is no way responsible for accuracy, integrity or quality of such content.
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