Dr. Michelle Fanara Vice Principal of Instruction and Supervision 818-933-3622 fanara@ndhs.org Mr. Matt Gocke Director of Facilities and Security 818-933-3607 gocke@ndhs.org
Mrs. Laurel Harris Vice Principal of Academic Affairs 818-933-3621 harris@ndhs.org
Dr. Kelly Jackson Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 818-933-3630 jackson@ndhs.org
Mrs. Laurel Harris Vice Principal of Academic Affairs 818-933-3621 harris@ndhs.org Dr. Michelle Fanara Vice Principal of Instruction and Supervision 818-933-3622 fanara@ndhs.org
Mr. Ruslan Babayan Aerospace Engineering Modern Astronomy Physics STEAM 818-933-3411 babayan@ndhs.org
Ms. Natalie (Tarkanian) Bailey Executive Assistant to the Principal 818-933-3618 bailey@ndhs.org Ms. Michelle Koenig Barritt '90 Director of Advancement 818-933-3681 barritt@ndhs.org Mr. David Bartholomew Interim Mathematics Department Chair 818-933-3424 bartholomew@ndhs.org Ms. Tammy Jo Baston Dance Director Physical Education Performing Arts 818-933-3454 baston@ndhs.org Mr. Wilmer Bataclan Mathematics 818-933-3403 bataclan@ndhs.org Mrs. Yanira Beesley Theology 818-933-3470 beesley@ndhs.org
Ms. Jurenne Belanio Director of Campus Ministry 818-933-3659 belanio@ndhs.org
Ms. Luisa Benion French Spanish 818-933-3498 benion@ndhs.org
Mr. Karriem Beyah Counselor 818-933-3673 beyah@ndhs.org
Mr. David Conley AP Music Theory Notre Dame Choir Music Technology I & II Music Fundamentals Guitar I & II 818-933-3421 conley@ndhs.org Mrs. Alice Cotti Principal 818-933-3600 cotti@ndhs.org
Ms. Evelyn Fajardo Senior College Counselor 818-933-3645 fajardo@ndhs.org Dr. Michelle Fanara Vice Principal of Instruction and Supervision 818-933-3622 fanara@ndhs.org Dr. Chris Fiorese Science 818-933-3499 fiorese@ndhs.org
Ms. Solene Flores Main Office Assistant 818-933-3601 flores@ndhs.org
Mr. Nicholas Garcia Physical Education Department Chair 818-933-3697 garcia@ndhs.org Mrs. Shannon Genova '92 Science Department Chair 818-933-3685 genova@ndhs.org Mr. Matt Gocke Director of Facilities and Security 818-933-3607 gocke@ndhs.org Mr. Richard Good Social Studies 818-933-3414 good@ndhs.org
Ms. Deneen Grist '86 English 818-933-3417 grist@ndhs.org
Mr. Scott Hamilton Mathematics 818-933-3431 hamilton@ndhs.org Ms. Brenda Hanna Cafeteria Manager 818-933-3657 hanna@ndhs.org
Mr. Nathaniel Hanna Robotics Computing in the Digital Age Game Design and Development 818-933-3453 nhanna@ndhs.org
Ms. Emily Hansum Classic Language 818-933-3406 hansum@ndhs.org
Mrs. Elisia Harkins-James Television Production & Film Production 818-933-3654 harkins@ndhs.org Ms. Laurel Harris Vice Principal of Academic Affairs 818-933-3621 harris@ndhs.org Dr. Reese Hatcher MCLD Department Chair Latin Teacher 818-933-3442 hatcher@ndhs.org
Mr. John Hirn Science Water Polo Coach 818-933-3451 hirn@ndhs.org Ms. Maria Hudak-Smith English 818-933-3446 hudaksmith@ndhs.org
Mr. Nicholas LaFace '09 Theology Varsity Assistant Baseball Coach 818-933-3438 laface@ndhs.org
Mr. Guy Lande Social Studies 818-933-3551 lande@ndhs.org
Ms. Sabrina Landinguin Journalism Marketing Television Production Film Production 818-933-3652 landinguin@ndhs.org Mr. Chris Lanehart Director of Educational Technology 818-933-3688 lanehart@ndhs.org
Ms. Jena Laolagi Head Women's Basketball Coach 818-933-3497 laolagi@ndhs.org
Mr. Joseph Lee Visual Arts Department Chair 818-933-3651 lee@ndhs.org Ms. Sabrina Lemus '19 Marketing Communications Coordinator 818-933-3631 lemus@ndhs.org
Ms. Paula Frances Meyers Lewis DEI Associate 818-933-3679 plewis@ndhs.org
Ms. Jessica Lewis Director of College Counseling 818-933-3696 lewis@ndhs.org
Ms. Candace Maish English 818-933-3458 maish@ndhs.org Ms. Janelle Manasan '10 Visual Arts 818-933-3462 manasan@ndhs.org Ms. Emily Massa English 818-933-3402 massa@ndhs.org
Ms. Leila May Visual Arts 818-933-3426 may@ndhs.org Ms. Ann McClung Dean of Women 818-933-3626 mcclung@ndhs.org Ms. Monique McKenna Theology 818-933-3427 mckenna@ndhs.org
Ms. Sharlene McKenzie Social Studies Department Chair 818-933-3636 mckenzie@ndhs.org
Mr. Joseph McNab Track Coach PE Teacher 818-933-3401 mcnab@ndhs.org Ms. Elizabeth McQueen Librarian and Research Instructor 818-933-3664 mcqueen@ndhs.org
Mr. Brian Milone Director of Admissions (Enrollment, Evaluations, and Recruitment) 818-933-3639 milone@ndhs.org
Ms. Jean Mitchell Registrar 818-933-3619 mitchell@ndhs.org Ms. Liza Molina-Smith Director of Engagement 818-933-3612 molinasmith@ndhs.org Ms. Kathy Molloy Grant & Prospect Research Officer 818-933-3609 molloy@ndhs.org Mr. Joel Monroy AP Chemistry Chemistry Honors Chemistry 818-933-3456 monroy@ndhs.org
Ms. Beth Moran Learning Specialist 818-933-3635 moran@ndhs.org Ms. Bailey Morley Director of Kairos 818-933-3663 morley@ndhs.org
Mr. Alec Moss '00 Director of Athletics 818-933-3678 moss@ndhs.org Mr. Gregory Moss Assistant Athletic Director 818-933-3629 gmoss@ndhs.org
Fr. Joe Moyer Chaplain & Social Justice 818-933-3680 moyer@ndhs.org Ms. Malorie Mummert Theology 818-933-3443 mummert@ndhs.org
Ms. Kim Muno Director of Admissions (Events, Evaluations, and Marketing) 818-933-3684 muno@ndhs.org
Ms. Hayley Murphy '12 Theology Director of Summer Knights 818-933-3682 murphy@ndhs.org
Mr. Charlie Perkins Alumni Officer 818-933-3606 perkins@ndhs.org
Ms. Montserrat Perez Spanish 818-933-3437 perez@ndhs.org Mrs. Christina Tallungan Phillips '95 Communications Department Chair Debate Head Coach 818-933-3653 phillips@ndhs.org Mr. Stephan Pillilian Counselor 818-933-3674 Pilillian@ndhs.org Mr. Medene Presley Director of Immersion and Christian Service 818-933-3667 presley@ndhs.org
Mr. Eric Tomchak '17 Information Systems Manager 818-933-3677 tomchak@ndhs.org
Mr. Matt Toner Science 818-933-3457 toner@ndhs.org Dr. Buenaventura Torres-Ayala Spanish 818-933-3430 torres@ndhs.org Ms. Allie Turner English Department Chair 818-933-3447 turner@ndhs.org Ms. Eireen Ty Theology 818-933-3449 ty@ndhs.org