Holy Cross School

Our Tradition & Mission

"What can be seen today at Holy Cross which astounds everybody - I have been but a simple instrument."

~ Blessed Fr. Basil Moreau, CSC ~ Founder

The Mission

Notre Dame High School, a Catholic, college preparatory school sponsored by the Congregation of Holy Cross, educates the hearts and minds of students who are diverse in ethnicity, talent, and culture.  As a community of faith, Notre Dame strives to form each student – spiritually, intellectually, and socially – to recognize the dignity of all persons and to serve the evolving needs of the world. (Updated 10.26.22)
    • Fr. Basil Moreau

The Tradition

Notre Dame students are a part of the Holy Cross family.  Like so many before them, they experience the richness of a Catholic educational experience in a tradition deeply rooted in the religious congregation's educational ministry to the local and universal Church.  It was from the University of Notre Dame in Indiana that several Brothers of Holy Cross came to Sherman Oaks in 1947 to found a private Catholic high school under the auspices of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.  For the better part of a century, the Notre Dame community has built upon the heritage and mission of the Congregation of Holy Cross and continues to give life to the words of its founder, Blessed Basil Moreau:
Notre Dame High School's philosophy stems from Fr. Basil Moreau's, Founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross, own philosophy on education: 

“We can state ... the kind of teaching we wish to impart. We do not want our students to be ignorant of anything they should know. To this end, we shall avoid no sacrifice. We shall always place education side by side with instruction; the mind will not be cultivated at the expense of the heart. While we prepare useful citizens for society, we shall likewise do  our utmost to prepare citizens for eternal life.” 

The Vision

Based on our Mission and Values, Notre Dame will be the school of choice for students and families seeking an institution that:

    • Maintains a strong Catholic identity and sense of faith community in the Holy Cross tradition
    • Enjoys a reputation for academic excellence, curricular innovation, and state-of-the-art technologies in and out of the classroom
    • Offers an experientially-based and diverse extra-curricular program
    • Seeks and retains faculty who enhance the Mission of the school
    • Provides safe, modern, and well-maintained facilities
    • Develops the resources necessary to fund a growing endowment program
    • Keeps a Notre Dame education as an accessible option for a deserving population of diverse backgrounds and academic abilities
    • Ensures the vitality of the school through aggressive marketing, recruitment, and retention
    • Invites, encourages, and facilitates active participation by alumni and past parents in the school community

NDHS Integral Student Outcomes: Educating Hearts and Minds

Notre Dame High School students are educated in heart and mind according to the charism of the Congregation of Holy Cross, and based on the vision of founder Blessed Father Basil Moreau, CSC
Educated in the values of the HEART, a Notre Dame High School graduate is a person of integrity who:
  • Values all life as sacred, understanding that human dignity is the foundation of the principles of Catholic Social Teaching, and puts those teachings into practice by making moral and ethical decisions rooted in Gospel values. 
  • Understands and values the Catholic faith, while being respectful and inclusive of other religions, traditions, and cultures.   
  • In keeping with Catholic Social Teaching develops a foundation for a life-long relationship with God as evidenced by prayer, active service, a commitment to justice, and participation in faith-based activities. 
  • Demonstrates a commitment to developing mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness in self and others. 
  • Acts as an involved citizen in the community and a responsible steward of the environment.
Educated in the values of the MIND, a Notre Dame High School graduate is a person of intellect who:
  • Completes a rigorous curriculum to prepare for success at the university level and to spark a zeal for life-long learning. 
  • Utilizes technological innovations effectively and responsibly.
  • Communicates respectfully, actively listens, and collaborates effectively in a variety of educational, professional, and personal settings. 
  • Demonstrates critical and creative thinking from multiple perspectives, and possesses the organizational skills necessary to solve problems and achieve goals.

The Values

Integral to the Holy Cross-educational philosophy is the formation of the whole person. In keeping with this philosophy. Notre Dame bases its mission on these shared values:

List of 4 items.

  • Communal

    Notre Dame aims to promote an active interest in the well being of others, understanding, and acceptance of diverse cultures and an awareness of the responsibilities of citizenship. 
  • Intellectual

    We seek a curriculum that meets the highest standards of accreditation and society, preparing students for college and post-secondary pursuits, and which fully develops students' skills for communication and critical thinking.
  • Personal

    Notre Dame seeks to mold students who value themselves and others, who apply gospel values in moral decision-making, who have a strong aesthetic sense, and who exhibit self-discipline and a cooperative spirit.
  • Spiritual

    We strive to give students a comprehensive understanding of the Catholic faith, a respect for the value of the individual and the experience of a faith community, lived out through the liturgy, prayer, and service.

Fr. Moreau, Holy Cross, and Notre Dame

With unparalleled passion and zeal, Fr. Moreau breathed life into the missions of Holy Cross.
A College Preparatory School of Excellence
13645 Riverside Drive
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
(818) 933-3600 Main Office

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7:30 am - 3:30 pm

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