
Resources & Support

Support Information

If you are in need of support please reach out to the appropriate support staff through the following emails:


Canvas Support

Scoir Support

Magnus Support
- (877) 461-6831 or by email at

Blackbaud Tuition Management

Emergency Contact Support

iPad or Canvas Support

List of 3 items.

  • Attendance Office

    For Attendance Office support, please email

    Email the Attendance Office to report all late to school and absences. 

    ***Do not call***
  • Tuition Management & Assistance

    Current parents who need assistance with completing the registration or making an online payment should reach out 
    NDHS Business Office at

    Questions regarding the Tuition Assistance process or questions related to the Tuition Assistance application should be directed to NDHS Business Office at

    To reset your myNDHS Password, please use the forgot password feature here.

    Three (3) methods to pay:
    1. Online by credit card (3% fee), or checking account # (no fee)
    2. Call 
    Blackbaud Tuition Management
    (Blackbaud Customer Support: 1.800.468.8996)
    3. Mail check directly to Blackbaud
    Blackbaud Tuition Management
    PO Box 54228
    Los Angeles, CA 90054-0228

  • Magnus/MyNDHS

    Magnus support: (877) 461-6831 or by email at The Magnus support staff will assist with completing Magnus requirements, including, submitting forms.

    For the student physical form, click here.

    ***Notre Dame must have a current, up-to-date physical form to participate in any sport or activity.***

    To reset your myNDHS Password, please use the forgot password feature here. All other Magnus/MyNDHS login issues should be directed to

List of 4 items.

  • Book Purchases

    All questions regarding book purchases should be directed to the department chair.

    If you need technical assistance with a book purchase, you may need to contact the publishing company directly. For iPad assistance, please email
  • Canvas

    All Canvas related issues should be directed to
  • iPad Support

    All iPad related questions (including school email) should be directed to

    Students should email their NDHS Counselor for all Scoir-related questions and issues.

    If you do not know who your NDHS Counselor is, please email

List of 2 items.

List of 1 items.

  • Add an email to your myNDHS account

    myNDHS - How parents can update/add Emergency Contact
    Here are the instructions on how to add/update emergency contact: 

    Parents who want to update the emergency contact information on their child's account should log in to the myNDHS portal and click on the student's name.

    Once on the student's profile, please go to the contact card tab and scroll down to the Emergency contact tile.

    If you would like to update the existing contact, please click on the pencil across the name and make an update, or if you would like to add a new emergency contact, please select "Manage Phone or Manage Email," click on Create new phone number/new email add all the necessary information, and select "Add Entry" and save.
A College Preparatory School of Excellence
13645 Riverside Drive
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
(818) 933-3600 Main Office

Office Hours
7:30 am - 3:30 pm

The office is closed to visitors after 3:30 pm

Absences, Late Arrivals,
Off-Campus Permits
***Do not call***

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