
The NDHS Band Program Tradition:

The Band Program has been a part of Notre Dame High School since 1947 and holds the honor of being the school's first student activity. Since that time, the band has earned a stellar reputation for its standard of excellence:
  • The Symphonic Band routinely earns Unanimous Superior ratings every year at SCSBOA Festivals.
  • The Percussion Ensemble has won multiple gold medals at SC-PA Championships.
  • The Notre Dame Dance Guard Team has won multiple gold medals at WGASC Championships.
  • The Irish Knight Band (NDHS's marching band) has won countless awards for Band, Drum Major, and Auxiliary (Dance Guard) at SCSBOA Band Reviews and Parade competitions throughout Southern California.

The Band Program offers classes for students of all ability levels, all of which earn Visual/Performing Arts credit towards graduation.
  • Introductory level classes are available for students who want to learn a new instrument. Band I Winds for woodwind and brass instruments, and Percussion I for percussion instruments.
  • Students who already play woodwind, brass, or percussion instruments can audition to be placed in the Band II (Concert Band) or Percussion Ensemble classes. Band II students can advance to the Band III (Wind Ensemble) class as early as their sophomore year.
  • The Jazz Band class is a big band style jazz ensemble for students that play trumpet, trombone, saxophone, guitar, piano, bass, and drum set.
  • Students interested in dance can enroll in the Dance Prop Production class and join the Dance Guard Team, Notre Dame's competitive color guard.
  • Students in grades 4 to 8 can join the Saturday Elementary Band Program, a true community band available to all students of all ability levels.

The Irish Knight Band (IKB)

The Irish Knight Band is NDHS's marching band program. The IKB serves as the pep-band at all home and away varsity football games, home league boys and girls varsity basketball games, on-campus pep rallies, and various admissions events. The IKB also competes at parade competitions called Band Reviews. The marching season begins with Band Camp in August (typically two weeks prior to the first day of school), and ends around Thanksgiving break with the end of the football and band review seasons. The IKB will also march at the Granada Hills Holiday Parade in early December, and perform at Disneyland in January. All students in the Band I Winds, Percussion I, Band II, Band II, Band III, Percussion Ensemble, and Dance Prop Production courses are required to participate in the Irish Knight Band.


List of 3 items.

Alumni Band Giving

A College Preparatory School of Excellence
13645 Riverside Drive
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
(818) 933-3600 Main Office

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